Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Dear Bjork

Dear Bjork,

It's taken me a couple days to write this. I've gone over our meeting, our few seconds together over and over again. Dreaming of meeting you for so long, the emptiness I feel now is so strange, like the windswept plains of your native Iceland. You see I've had a crush on you for so long, since junior year of high school when I first saw you bouncing around during an interview on MTV like the precocious wood sprite you are. I want to say I'm sorry, sorry for seeming to be just another stardazzled drunkard, simply trying to steal a few moments in your glow. I only wish I could reveal myself to you as the man of substance I am. I hope that we can meet someday and have a real conversation when I finally travel to the island of your birth.



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